This Section is for the different Awards and Recognition that are given as the form of Certificate,Token of Love
and many more.
1) Certificate of Completion( 06-11 August 2023)
2) Certificate of Recognition ( May-July 2023)
3) World Vision Recognies ( September 2020)
4) International Children's Day ( 2070 Bhadra 29
5) Swasthya Nirdeshanalaya (Prasamsa Patra) (2079 Kartik 17)
6) Khanepani Sarsafai Samiti ( Kadar Patra)
7) Letter of Appreciation ( 31 December 2011)
8) SUNAKHALI ( 1 November 2015)
9) Token of Love by (WVIN)
10)1000 Served Patients