Province No. 3

A&ED/Urban Livelihood and waste Managem…


A&ED/Urban Livelihood and waste Management:


Good Neighbours Nepal (GNN) hve implemend "Urban Livelihood and Waste Management" project funded by World Vision International Nepal (WVIN), in all words (10 words) of kirtipur Municipality. Though the Urban Livelihood and waste Management Project, GNN and WVIN will work to strengthen capacity of vulnerable families and communities to cope with economic daily needs and shocka through decent work. The project  will work alongside vulnerable families and government authorities to establish and strengthen small business enterprises and build the more stable, dignified and reliable sourcce of income for the family. The project uses two models as the local value Chain Development model for increasing the income through improve the production of marketed product as well as increase the relationship building with the stakeholder; Saving for Transformation model for increasing the access of the finance for supporting their business so that family will understand how to maximize profit and decent work opportunities available in the urban economy. The project in particular employs Local Value Chain Development in a participatory way helping vulnerable families, productes and farmers to analyze market, gain information and build relationship and act collectively to overcome to overcome market barriers and increase profit.