April 04, 2024
Encourage me to study
Introduction: My name is Hemraj Sanjyal, sponsor child (Code No: NPL-0112-00421) of Good Neighbours Nepal, Kailali since 2011. I live in Lamki Chuha-3, Bhuruwa, Kailali. There are seven family members in my family; they are my father, mother, three elder brothers, one younger brother and me.
Previous situation: I am from Poor economic family background. My father used to work as a day labor and he has been only main income provider of my large family. Being the low income source of my family and not enough land for production of grain, it was hard to subsistence of my family as well as not possible to study regular among large number of siblings and there was no motivation and encourage from my family, because of that my performance on education was not good before enrollment in Good Neighbours, what I have now.
GNN support: After enrollment in GNN sponsorship program, I am getting educational material, home visit & counseling, hygiene item, coaching class and health education. Not only that, all kind of platform for showing inner talent, skill enhancement, through extracurricular activities and other program.
Result: After getting direct support, skill enhancement orientation, regular motivation, home visit and counseling to me and my family from Good Neighbours Nepal, I was encouraged to study hardly with aim to be a best student and get support from my family as well as improve my result smoothly. Now, I got distinction (81.38%) in SLC exam from government school. After getting distinction on SLC, I remember that, One day I was serious in my home after unable to decide further study, in this situation GN staff assist for way forward by coordination with different college with inspiration. Now I am studying in Rediant HSS, Science College at Mahendranager. This all are made possible just because of direct and indirect support from Good Neighbours. Now I am studying well and my dream come to true by the good Neighbours support and inspiration. I am very thankful towards Good Neighbours for encouraging me to study hard for better career.